Cancer Program Spotlights

We are proud to feature the voices of Parkland staff and our partners dedicated to supporting cancer care along the continuum.

Results 1 - 9 of 9
  • Cancer Program FY2021 Annual Report Released


    A Year in Review It is with pleasure that we share our second Cancer Program Annual report with you. Despite the challenges of COVID-19 in 2021, we continued our journey towards...

  • Medicare Coverage of Lung Cancer Screening Guidance


    Beneficiary Eligibility Criteria Expanded   Lowered the starting age for screening from 55 to 50 Reduced the tobacco smoking history from at least 30 packs per year to at l...

  • McKesson Volunteers Pack Uplift Kits


    Uplifting Parkland Oncology Patients Receiving a diagnosis of cancer can cause many different emotions for patients, including fear and sadness. To help provide some hope during...

  • Bridging Oncology and Primary Care: Colorectal Cancer


    Kicking Off Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month Parkland’s Cancer Program launched a new speaker series this month called “Bridging Oncology and Primary Care”. This will be a recu...

  • Patient Family Advisory Council


    A Patient Driven Approach to Adapting Care Parkland utilizes the Patient Family Advisory Council (PFAC) to provide feedback and hear ideas from those who have lived experiences ...

  • Bridging Oncology and Primary Care: Skin Cancer


    May is National Melanoma and Skin Cancer Awareness Month Skin cancer is the most common cancer, with over 5 million cases diagnosed in the United States each year. As part of sk...

  • National Cancer Survivors Day


    Celebrating Parkland Cancer Survivors, Patients, and Caregivers National Cancer Survivors Day is celebrated every June. This year, we celebrated survivors, patients, caregivers,...

  • National Intern Day


    Recognizing our Cancer Program Interns   It’s National Intern Day! The Cancer Program at Parkland is currently home to 4 fantastic interns! Three are pictured from lef...

  • Colon Cancer Outreach Kickoff


    Launching our Colorectal Cancer Community Outreach Program Colorectal cancer is the third most common cause of death from cancer in the US. Many of these deaths can be prevented...