Colon Cancer Outreach Kickoff

Colon Cancer Outreach Kickoff

Launching our Colorectal Cancer Community Outreach Program

Colorectal cancer is the third most common cause of death from cancer in the US. Many of these deaths can be prevented if cancer is caught early. The Cancer Program at Parkland Health has launched a new community outreach program to raise awareness for colorectal cancer. 

We kicked off our first event with Victory Chapel in Richardson, Texas at the JB Mwangi Memorial Health Fair. Using our new giant inflatable colon (pictured), we educated community members on the importance of colon cancer screening, knowing the signs and symptoms of colon cancer, and talking to your healthcare providers about your risk for colon cancer. The giant inflatable colon tour takes community members into the inside of a colon with examples of healthy colon tissue, polyps, colorectal cancer, and Crohn's Disease. Understanding the signs and symptoms of colorectal cancer, and how to lower your risk is important to maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

We will be holding more events like this one in the Dallas County community soon, check our event calendar to see where we will be headed next!
