Experiencing the death of someone you love is never easy, but the Parkland Health palliative care team wants you to know that we are here for you. We wish to tell you about the resources available to you as you go through this difficult time:
- Telephone support and bereavement calls
- Counseling sessions with a palliative care psychologist
- Journey through Grief mailout series
- Spiritual/pastoral support from palliative care chaplain
- Invitation to our Celebration of Life memorial event
- Referral to community resources and grief support groups for families, adults and children
If you are in need of bereavement resources, please call 214-590-0043.
Frequently Asked Questions
Bereavement refers to the period of grief and mourning experienced after the death of a loved one.
You may call the palliative care clinic at 214-590-5806.
You may request a copy of your loved one’s medical records from the Health Information Management (HIM) office. The phone number is 214-590-6540. It is located on the first floor of Parkland Memorial Hospital near the cafeteria.
Unfortunately, MyChart is deactivated after a patient dies. If you would like a copy of his/her medical records, you can request them from the Health Information Management (HIM) office. The phone number is 214-590-6540. It is located on the first floor of Parkland near the cafeteria.
You can contact the hospice agency to have it picked up.
There should be a sticker on the tank indicating what DME company provided them and their contact information. Call the number listed there to have them picked up.
Unfortunately, we are unable to accept donations of medical equipment at Parkland. However, there is a local agency that will recycle it for other patients who may need it. For heavy equipment such as hospital beds and powerchairs, they will even pick it up from your home. The agency is called DME Exchange of Dallas. Their phone number is 214-997-3639.
Thank you so much for wanting to do that. We are not able to accept the formula at Parkland. However, we can send you a list of agencies that are able to accept it. Please contact the palliative care clinic.
You may drop them off at the Dallas County Hospital District Police Department’s lost and found office located on the first floor of the WISH building. You can also mix them in with coffee grounds or cat litter and water in a plastic bag then throw away. To keep our water supply clean, do not flush them down the toilet.
Unfortunately, we do not have a funeral fund available to assist with this. However, there is an agency called aCremation that offers cremation services at a very low price compared to most other places. Their phone number is 877-353-3626 and they are available 24 hours a day. We can also send you a list of funeral homes to call for pricing.
You will need to contact your funeral director or county clerk’s office. The number to the county clerk is 214-653-7099.
Contact a legal agency such as Legal Aid of Northwest Texas. Their number is 214-748-1234.
There are two programs that accept body donations. Only legal next-of-kin can donate a body. Those two programs are:
The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center Willed Body Program: 214-648-2221
The University of North Texas Health Science Center: 817-735-2047
Unfortunately, we do not have a financial assistance fund. However, we can send you a list of community agencies that help with these types of things.
You must obtain a letter from the funeral home that includes all of the funeral details. You will also need a copy of your loved one’s death certificate. You may contact the country’s consulate for more information. The Mexican Consulate number is 214-932-8670.